Abundant Grace and Holy Justice: Spiritual Warefare

Spiritual Warefare

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Spiritual combat. Downside !

Our fight is purely spiritual and supernatural through the acts of faith, commands and decrees in the name of Jesus Christ. Aside from the armor of holiness and character, I don't need anything more to get my victory in every battle. However, fighting for my loved ones requires more.

I know the weaknesses of my brothers and sisters and I know that the enemy does not only use spiritual weapons and legal ammunition in an honest fight. Satan and all of his visible and invisible agents use material "weapons and ammunition" as much as spells and demonic attacks to destroy their lives and cripple their mission and calling. He also uses all the weaknesses of the flesh and its temptations of sex, drugs, musical fascination, as well as all the fashionable vices to corrupt their souls.

We all know that money and power can be major tools for manipulating and defeating our combat brothers. And with helplessness and poverty, our brothers and sisters are drawn so low into sin and abject addictions. Our church, being what it is in general, leaves many Christians sisters without real support, to the point of falling into the slip of the evil one and resorting to abortion because of poverty and fear of misery with a second or third child. I do not justify the crime of abortion. I'm just saying that the church is as guilty as this mother. Because if nobody is guilty, it would be the innocent fetus then who deserves the death penalty!!! Other Christian sisters in isolation, indifference and ignorance easily fall into the traps of fornication under abuse of power and subtle manipulation of their employers or landlords.

To mention only these extreme cases, poor Christian boys are no more immune to many unhealthy temptations and manipulations through abuse of power or exploitation of their poverty. Because the flesh is weak and the drug and sex trade offers sometimes irresistible temptations even for beginners in their Christian life! I have even seen cases of temptations in organized crime. Yes !

The current church washes their hands of it and does little to support them materially and help overcome their overwhelming problems. Do we urgently need to stand up, join hands and pray ardently for the financial freedom of poverty captives, prisoners of debt and slaves of tortuous ways? No! Bad misery is not Christian and poverty is not an honor! There are as many vices in poverty as in big wealth. Why not turn the table to Satan? Just remember Deuteronomy 8:18 if you believe it concerns Christians today.

It is a joke of Satan, through religious spirit, to think that it is more spiritual to be poor than to be rich. It is a silly joke subtly diffused even by the religious leaders who get their wealth from the tithes and offerings of their poor subjects. ‘’ Wealth is better for us who are saints, but for you it’s a mortal danger, do they say ’’

I have voluntarily offered a multi-faceted mutual aid action plans to several churches in Montreal and I have waited for months before I faced the rejection of my initiatives. This said, I am sure the prosperity gospel is Satan's trap. But beware; the gospel of poverty is another trap of Satan! You will have to avoid these two ditches and walk the narrow pathway: the middle path in self-control.

Seeking wealth and power for oneself by any means is another dangerous ravine. But since the Church is not playing its part and literally ‘steeling the money of Gods house, shouldn’t we put the condemnation aside and do something? On the other hand, If a man of God takes to heart the support of the poor in their daily struggle and seeks wealth to really help them, should he be accused of greed, materialism and grotesque ambitions? It would really be serving the enemy to systematically affirm that money and power are evil!

If Jesus pronounced Mark 10:25 "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God", He speaks well of those who trust in riches material /Mark 10:24 because, whoever trusts in material wealth automatically falls into the trap of self-sufficiency and pride to the point of no longer trusting God. And we all know how much God rejects the proud who arrogantly declare " I am the son of God! ", While our Lord Jesus was the emblem of extreme humility.

Speaking of the wealthy, generally most of their wealth testifies against them. Since each reminds them of such a poker move or such a smart bargain in the logic of win-loose : ( The loss of one is a benefit for the other). It is not the logic of God or any of His supernatural blessings of grace.

Abraham and Isaak and many patriarchs were rich and even very rich while trusting only in God and not in the riches of this world. So generous, that their riches were a blessing for all and an honor for the house of God.
Money and power themselves are not evil or necessarily bad! It is the love and obsession with money and the attachment to illegal power and privileges that make the covenant with Satan and open the gates of hell. But a good fighter must have the courage to snatch weapons from the enemy and give them to his comrades who do not yet know how to wield spiritual weapons.

In other words, pragmatic wisdom consists in taking part even in this material combat and snatching certain weapons and ammunition so as not to let the enemy act as an autocratic dictator in this field.

From this perspective, it is very, very clear that the battle on the material front is not to be neglected by the soldiers of Christ. Basically, there is not a weapon or ammunition used by the enemy that does not directly concern us. We must not leave him any competitive advantage on any field, be it material or spiritual. However, we never use such scabrous ways and must even give up surpassing the exploits of those who literally take money for God. We only aspire to that which comes from divine blessing.

We do not all live in rural countryside to survive the cogs of materialism without succumbing to worldly manipulations. Income from good service and honest power is a blessing for everyone, and generosity in charity does not come from poverty.

Beware! What I am saying is not at all in that perspective of establishing the kingdom of God here based on our own effort as some evangelists preach. They just continue to enrich themselves on the backs of the Christian masses. I absolutely denounce this little devil game. If we could at least we manage to dominate ourselves in such a corrupt world, it is a feat of faith. If we could dominate our congregation with the Spirit of Godliness and raise the banners on our fighting bastion, we are champions.

We are not called to dominate the world and occupy all key positions before he returns. No! For whoever fights with the sword will perish by the sword at this end-times, as written in the book of Revelation. If honestly, all that we collect as tithes and offerings were fairly distributed, even just 50% to the benefit of orphans, widows of the disabled and the poor, God himself will abundantly bless his Church. I believe, even anonymous Christians, who campaign in this vein for the protection of our brothers and sisters, will taste financial freedom and soul prosperity.

Note: In my action plan for the poorest who regularly attend church, I did not ask for any budget or any dollar for the benefit of the poor. My work contribution was offered 100% for free and despite all that, it was merely rejected! ... Do you see the indifference of these leaders?

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