Abundant Grace and Holy Justice: THE RAPTURE!


The Rapture of the Church as it is Written against all Scholarly Calculation

"My wisdom is not yours and your ways are not mine"; said the Lod. So, against all scabrous interpretations and scholarly calculation, let us read humbly the two key chapters, 11 and 12 of the book of Revelation.

The Lord is telling us exactly about the two halves of the seven years of the end of the cycle, in perfect confirmation of the seventh week's distribution of Daniel`s prophecy Daniel 12: 11-12 (three and a half years of false peace and satanic great seduction maneuvers worldwide and three and a half years of Great Tribulation).

These two chapters detail the salient content of each of the two halves of the seven closing years of the last cycle that gives birth to the glorious millennium. The Bible says that no one knows the exact day and time. However, for some reason, Jesus gave us the signs of the season. Because "Surely, the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets". Amos 3: 7.

It is obvious, as it has always been with Divine protocol since Genesis with our Father of grace and perfect justice, before these last years of embers and great tribulation, God will send messengers and witnesses not only to warn of the fateful hour of judgment, but also to try to save souls, still sincerely trapped in error and blindness.

Did He not warn mankind long enough through Noah and his sons before the Flood? Did He not send Jonas before executing his sentence against Nineveh? Did He not send his three angels to Abraham before the destruction of Sodom? Did He not send Moses and Aron before breaking Pharaonic Egypt? Did He not… ? Biblical stories speak volumes. Again, did He not send Elijah and Moses to the mount of transfiguration before the judgment of Jesus and the Condemnation of his Enemies?


In short, two patterns are present throughout the scriptures: the sending of witnesses before the fateful hour of judgment on one side and from the beginning, this pattern of Satan`s maneuvers imitating God, steeling and corrupting God’s plan on the other side. He has always tried to usurp the plans and prophecies in order to execute them upside down and prematurely to the detriment of the faithful in the first place and the rest of mankind afterwards. (This is the same with the One World Government plan with Satan`s two witnesses who will be the False Prophet and the Antichrist announcing the reign of Satan!)

So, according to what wisdom and what scholarly calculation, will God be an exception this time? … Allowing the judgment of His Church and out-breaking the World's Greatest Tribulation and pouring out the plagues of His holy wrath on the earth before the end of the ministry of his two witnesses !! Never!

The book of Revelation begins by announcing God`s principles of judgment upon the 7 categories of Churches present at that time as well as at the end of this Age. Through the first 10 chapters, He continues with the display of the plagues that await the world that rejected His High Priest and Redeemer and chose the satanic plan of the world dictatorship. As the saying: a wise man is worth two.


The righteous begins with himself and God, always with His own Church who will pass the test of the highest standard! Not by severity, but to compensate each according to the degree of his devotion, wisdom and fidelity. Didn`t Jesus say: In my Father's house, there are different mansions? Of course, counterfeiters will automatically be excluded and treated like the rest of the world. ( there is at least two categories of Christians :the perfect bride of Christ and the foolish virgins!)


These two chapters 11-12 reveal God`s plan. To maximize the harvest of salvation, God will not unleash the rapture of His holy Church until the end of the prodigious ministry of the two witnesses. Matthew 9:37 says: “The harvest is abundant and the laborers are few”.
Do you realize that all in all, Christians in total combined represent only 20% of the world population? So approximately 80% are not even evangelized yet. If all Christians are removed before the beginning of the 7 years, then who will be the workers of the last harvest? Only 2 Witnesses for nearly 6 billion people and against all the visible and invisible army of Satan! What a nonsense! What an aberration my brothers!


We know well that Christ will judge his Church first and decide who will be his worthy virgin elected Bride and who are the foolish virgins, who are only worth their little wisdom. Will the Lord do it before giving them a last chance at the big harvest or before deciding openly who will be left behind? How dare we believe that the judgment of the Church will be made before the end of the ministry of the two Witnesses?

We can all conceive that the greatest awakening ever seen and the greatest final harvest and redemption of Israel will be through the advent and ministry of these great two Witnesses, who will be invincible and prodigious during three years and a half. So, who will receive, welcome, supervise and discipline these millions of rescued souls, saved and redeemed? Who will educate and guide these millions of survivors through all the scriptures and make disciples of them?

The simplest common sense shows that the Holy Spirit will offer a beautiful catch-up to all Christians, especially the less active (foolish virgins) to become involved in the ministry to the newly redeemed before the election judgment is made. That should be before the day of the judgment (birth pain) and rapture of the Church meeting Jesus face to face up on the cloud here.


After the rapture, the workers of salvation will be the 144 thousand Young witnesses marked on the forehead by the name of the Father and his Son who will win over the rest of Israel to the cause. As for the last 3 years and a half, the remnant of the Nations will be saved through the work of the Christians left behind and who have repented after all they have seen.

They will thereby prove their renewed faith and devotion to the cause of salvation. There is also the work of continuous prayer and intercession (at a distance) of these Christians who are sent to the desert far from the wrath of Satan, in order to be protected and nourished during these last three and a half years. Revelation 12:14


The two chapters 11 and 12 specify exactly the account of the last seven years and their distribution in two equal parts. Why listen to these last Pharisees 'eschatologists' who sell you chimeras emanating from their intellectual pride, easily recoverable by the plan of Satan? Moreover, none of them dares to say “the Holy Spirit revealed to me” or “told me this or that” in support of their assertions, as they say “ It could not be clearer” but unfortunately still misleading!


Without biblical evidence, they base their reasoning on numerology and the alignment of the stars!! Moreover against all common sense, the worst aberration is that of those who are trying to maintain that the rapture of the Holy bride will be at the very end of the years of the Great Tribulation!


Where is the Grace and Love of this holy fiancé who would leave the chosen one of his heart in the torments of the battlefield incurring all the rage of Satan? Jesus knows well that all the rage of Satan and the Satanists pours mainly on his holy fiancée. Would He leave her three years in this hell where the Wrath of God responds terribly to the Dragon's Rage and his wicked army?

 I cannot swallow this snake and, to impose it on me is quite satanic, not only criminal! Please Re-read John 3:36 Daniel 8:19 Romans 2: 5, you teachers and scholars!

Sorry; but the consequences are grave brothers! It is time to repent and return to unity by the very Spirit of the word. Remember that the Lord will judge leaders and great teachers more severely. Thank God; I am not one!

I personally learned to read the sacred texts, while actively listening to His presence through the Holy Spirit. I do not just read! I meditate and integrate with His wisdom and forget myself in His vision. However, even if my certainty is more than 80%, my text is not the word of God! Honestly, I estimate that 34% of my text is common sense and human logic. Please pray that I will remain in communion forever with his holiness. I wish you the same.


Just, review these two key chapters without bias, without trying to prove anything. You regain light and clarity, certainty and peace. These texts say everything even before John begins to explain the execution of fateful sentences against the satanic plans of the globalist coalition that works to consolidate his `absolute` dictatorship.


But the light is still at the end of the tunnel. God leads mankind to the victory of Christ King of Kings, physically descending to the final assault on Mount Oliver. (The 2nd stage of Jesus`s appearance on earth and not the one in the sky, the day of the Rapture!)


With hindsight, you can discover that the book of Revelation in 22 chapters is clearly unfolded in three parts: ten chapters that detail the judgments of God, two central chapters, 11 and 12, which specify the ultimate discernment about the last 7 years, then ten last chapters which detail the Execution of the sentences: the total defeat of the enemy and the Victory of Christ King and Judge. (10 commandments, 10 sentences and 10 punishments!)

May God Himself guide us and confirm what is right and true, for He certainly has the desire to reveal even more clearly to the saints about what is already in his written word.


Questions for you!

What does this woman in birthing pains represents? And why is she sent back to the desert instead of accompanying her baby to the 3rd heaven near the Father?

Mustapha Soufia              Montreal  2019          514 243 6573  mustapha.s@msn.com

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The 11th and 12th chapters, Keys of the book of Revelation

 As we are facing the challenges of the perilous times of the end of a cycle and the imperatives of serious preparations to the glorious coming of Christ and the rapture of the Church, more light and clarity are necessary in order to prevent the children of God from perishing for lack of knowledge.

 Acknowledging the difficulties encountered by my first readers to read the 11th and 12th chapters of the Book of Revelation in light of the preceding article, named The Rapture of the Church as it is Written against all scholarly calculation, I am convicted to make a new summary diagram to relate the essential elements of analysis of this precious message of the Apocalypse.

 1) Here is the outline: With hindsight, you can discover that the book of Revelation with its 22 chapters deploy itself clearly into 3 parts: 10 chapters that declare the intentions of God, His judgments, retributions and fates ; 2 central chapters, 11 and 12, that hold the keys of the revelation and the count of the 7 last years, and lastly, 10 chapters that detail the Execution of the sentences and fates, the total defeat of the Antichrist and the Victory of Christ as King and Judge.

 An honorable and majestic sovereign always announces the great lines of his intention, his plan and the consequences of these warnings. For his judgements are irreversible and irrevocable.

 Honesty being the kings’ motto and the just always starting by his own house, Jesus announces clearly in which spirit will His Churches be judged. The book of revelation so begins by warnings, advices and injunctions addressed by Jesus to the 7 categories of Churches already in existence back then - just as it is now.

 As of the indignation of God in the face of the rest of the world, no other than Jesus had the merit to open the 7 seals of the sacred scroll shown at the right hand of the Eternal Father, so as to unveil the plan and the rigors of its condemnation and implacable punishments, promised to every force of evil that has rejected His plan of salvation offered at the price of the lamb that was slain for the remission of sins.

 Through the first 10 chapters, the text conveys the global action plan that will take place in more details described starting chapter 13. In other words: no event described in the first 10 chapters will happen before those of chapter 11 that announces the beginning of the last 7 years of the end of the cycle.

 The first 10 chapters are but a plan where John describes the extent of the wrath of God with all its dimensions as well as the scourges that await the world that rejected his Anointed Priest and Redeemer, the world that has chosen the satanic plan of the world dictatorship. As the saying goes: an informed man is worth two.

 2) Here is my inspired compilation : The subject of this message strictly concerns the events of the end times and more essentially, the last 7 years that precede the glorious Millennium of Christ reigning on the whole earth.

 Even though we may find events similar to others in the past, don’t ‘get it wrong’ ! For history moves in an ascending spiral, larger and larger. So many elements seems to repeat themselves. Essentially, all Christians aspire to know the salient events of the future, especially the last 7 years of ember and what they contain as drastic setbacks and fateful moments.

 In this book, Jesus uncovered everything except obviously the element of surprise inherent in any combat tactic. His angel says very well to John: ‘’What the 7 thunders said, do not write’’ (Rev. 10:4).

 It is but at the end of the 10th chapter that the apostle John receives the mandate, honor and privilege to describe the correct vision of carrying out God's plan. It was him who was worthy of absorbing the scroll which is "the road map" and digesting it in order to expose the details of the operational phases.

 The great sage begins with his house. In chapters 11 and 12, John begins with what concerns the life of Jerusalem and the Christian Church in the first place. These two chapters specify exactly the account of the last seven years as well as their distribution in two equal sections of three and a half years.

 Prayer and reading break please! Let's listen to our ultimate teacher who is the Holy Spirit actively present in our heart. Let us also remember, beloved, the solemn warning of the very last verses of the Bible in Revelation 22:18-22, and let us not lightly accuse our brothers who share with us their convictions. Because any explanation here is only an offer of service and contribution of grace out of pure compassion! I add absolutely nothing if I offer my inspired understanding.

 Any material that is not textually written in the Bible is not to be considered sacred, but it is not necessarily an addition either! Otherwise no one will ever explain anything without being targeted by the accuser and condemned. We are all supposed to bring light to each other, especially to beginners who have not yet developed active listening to the Holy Spirit. However, even if my certainty is more than 80%, my text is not the word of God! Honestly, I estimate that 34% of my text is common sense and human logic. I find it hard to believe, but the majority of Christians do not know how to read the Bible while listening to the Holy Spirit, can you believe it…?

 Just reread these two key chapters without prejudice or bias then, please. You regain light, clarity, certainty and peace. These texts say everything before John even sets out to explain the execution of the fateful sentences against the satanic plans of the world coalition which is working to consolidate its planetary dictatorship. (One world government and one hybrid absolute Religion)

Here is what I hear and understand :

Rev. 11 : John receives the order to measure the physical dimensions of a real temple already built in Jerusalem. 2.: ’’But do not measure the court outside the temple […] for it is given over to the nations, and they will trample the holy city for 42 months.’’ (Three and a half years)

During the first half of the seven years, the two witnesses will announce the return of Jesus to help and select His Church as well as to announce the great and terrible day of the Lord with His judgment ‘'which will spare neither dead nor alive’’. I also understand that these two miraculous and unbeatable witnesses will remind the Jews and the entire world of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and will initiate the gospel of His coming glorious Millennium.

Taken literally, in my opinion, the text of this chapter is so clear and limpid that it needs no explanation. I personally admit no allegorical interpretation of its content.

With John, we observe the holy places of Jerusalem desecrated by all these United Nations with their geopolitical ambitions, but also desecrated by the regression of Israel in these rituals and animal sacrifices. This is but a gestation period where the forces on every side are on a seductive mode. Each prepares his striking plan. But yet we haven't entered yet the Great Tribulation and we haven't seen anything of God's wrath.

It is not until the last days of this three and a half years period that Jerusalem will heavily be shaken and enter into tribulation mode. All this, in confirmation of Zechariah 13:7-9 (the destruction of 2/3 of Israel, and where we will see the angel of God coming into action indignant at the abominations perpetrated by the false prophet and the Antichrist).

Although disheartening, tragic and saddening that the wrath of God can touch Zion, jewel of the Lord, we know that the righteous begins with himself. Didn’t Abraham circumcise himself before going to the others, didn’t he? Let us pray that it affects less humans than material. But God is absolutely fair. The believer who was warned since more than 2,500 years ago by Zechariah, is still solely responsible before the justice of God.

The good news for the faithful will be the resurrection of the two witnesses and their spectacular Rapture to heaven: which will trigger the largest resurrection of the saints and the Rapture of the Church! For it is the fateful moment of the glorious appearance of Christ at our sight in the near heaven.

The book adds nothing to this first appearance because all was well described by Jesus Himself in different passages from the Bible. (This explanation is purely personal)

Rev. 12: (Suddenly!) "1 A great sign appeared in the sky: a woman wrapped in the sun, the moon under her feet and a crown of 12 stars on her head. 2 […] in the pains of childbirth. 3 Another sign […] The dragon stood before the woman […] in order to devour her child.’’

I am inspired to understand that this woman represents the gathering of all the Christian Churches, the Messianic Church in the Head (crowned with the 12 tribes of Israel or the 12 apostles). This is the whole Church of Christ taken for a first face to face with the Lord who will reveal which are the wise and holy virgins of great merit, worthy of making His wife and which are the foolish virgins who without being condemned, will only have the privilege of divine protection. [1]

This is the explanation as to why the woman did not follow her holy baby to the 3rd heaven, and why she was sent to the desert far from the big cities at war; these cities which will undergo as much the rage of Satan as the vengeance of God. Indeed, if it was not the lukewarm Church of foolish virgins, who would this woman be who is sent to the desert to be nourished and protected for 1260 days? This is practically the last 3.5 years of the tribulation. We know that grace abounds and that the Lord of grace can certainly give one last chance to this Church to catch up by interceding for humanity and welcoming new converts.


[1] Note: If Jesus deserves the most holy Church as a bride, wise and spotless, He will surely bring us together to reveal who deserves the highest honor openly without hiding. So we know that Christ will judge His Church first and decide who is going to be His worthy chosen virgin bride and who are the foolish virgins who will only receive for their little wisdom.

What is the significance of the birth pains of this woman who appeared in heaven? It would simply be this fear of the verdict that Jesus will pronounce on each of the seven categories of Church. Who is the real Philadelphia church, worthy of the Lord's Bride? In the face of trial, the consolation of sincere souls remains the breath of hope of seeing the holy baby son of God delivered; seeing him go up to the throne. No jealousy will have to take place before the Lord of grace and of holy justice.

The text surely recalls the story of Mary and the baby Jesus from 2000 years ago. But the object of the book speaks of our future as a Church at the end of the cycle, where the holy Church will give birth to the holy Bride (‘’ Romans 8:22-24 22 We know that the whole creation has been groaning in labor pains until now; 23 and not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the ...) who will reign with Christ and direct the nations with an iron scepter. The book of revelation is all about the future, not the past; although the spirals look alike but on a larger scale!

This chapter also talks about a new fight taking place in the 2nd heaven and the overwhelming victory of Archangel Michael against the 7-headed Dragon who takes himself for God of the world. This time, he is dethroned from the 2nd heaven and precipitated on the earth, him and his legions of fallen angels (Rev. 12:9).

The text well recalls the story of the 1st fall of Lucifer who lost his place in 3rd heaven. But lets remember that hes been in the second heaven ever since. Now, its a total failure where he has to crawl on the ground and never go up. Again the book talks about the future, not the past; whatever the spirals resemble, but in greater scale!

Now everything is clear to everyone, I hope. ‘’[…] 17 And the dragon was angry with the woman [sent to the desert and successfully escaped], and he went to make war against the rest of his seed […]. It is even clearer now that this woman represents Israel and the whole body of Christ and not the Virgin Mary who would return at the end of time to spend 3.5 years in the desert!

The posterity of the Church is the whole of remnants who embrace the fire of faith and who remain in the city in this mortal combat. On their head we recognize the prophecy of the 144,000 young virgins of Israel who will continue the glorious mission of the two Witnesses taken to heaven. They will be heroic and will remain absolutely invincible until D-day: the day of the physical descent of the Lord Jesus on Mount Olivet.

Yes, the light is still at the end of the tunnel. God leads humanity to the victory of Christ the King who physically descended on the Mount of Olives (The 2nd apparition of Jesus and not that in the near Heaven, on the day of the rapture!).

The chapter completes the picture of the life of the remnant Church, faithful to its mission on earth. And chapter 13 begins the prophetic account of the events that will strike the non-Christian world caught in its madness of resistance to the plan of God and its obsession with the one of the Antichrist, and this idolatrous obsession for the Dragon which animates the two human beasts (in my opinion, the armed coalition and the cyber-techno forces).

Yes, after all the supernatural and miraculous demonstrations of God, the damned will keep hardening their hearts even more to the end. As they say, there is no more blind than the one who does not want to see, as there is no more deaf than one who does not want to hear.

What are your thoughts and what is God confirming you ?

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