Abundant Grace and Holy Justice: Always saved ?

Always saved ?

Can we lose Salvation once acquired by Grace through Faith ?


Salvation being of infinite and eternal value, there is nothing we can do to pay the price! No one can impress God ! We must only appropriate it for ourselves, once given freely. If salvation consists only in escaping Hell, I dare hope that infinite Grace would be sufficient to guarantee it. But if by the word Salvation we mean to live eternally around the Throne of Glory, what we call celestial Jerusalem or the Kingdom of God, this favor is conditional to holiness and some Sacrifices. The parable of talents warns us that the one who bury his talent instead of making it fruitful, will lose it. Wait a minute please! We find in the New Testament many warnings on the ways and practices of sin that could lead one to perdition!


Here is a subject of controversy for the tenants of hyper-Grace; a subject of vain debates that are seemingly endless with those who occult the contexts and look only to what may support their doctrine.


Far from me the intent of destabilizing brothers in Christ, neither sowing doubt or fear. Each one will answer alone before God on what he says and what he writes. But in His perfect justice and His omniscience, God will judge each and every one according to the intentions of his heart. Despite all the commandments and the general laws and rules, yes God can evaluate us all perfectly case by case! And probably the hypothesis of clear distinction between Kingdom of heaven and Kingdom of God would be the exit door to this controversy. (Son-ship and Kingship are much higher than paradise).


If Jesus never spared His audience from severe warnings and so were the messages of the saint apostles addressed to the Christians assemblies, it is certainly not to sow doubt about our salvation nor the fear of losing it, but truly to tell the truth, the whole entire truth. It is no one’s duty to censor or occult theses biblical warnings, even if it seems to contradict our doctrine. Maybe the ‘fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom’.


May anyone be in a leadership position or a simple believers, no one must omit these numerous warnings! To subtract or occult verses is as abominable as adding a few by excess of zeal ! Revelation 22:18 to 21 applies to the whole Bible, figure out.


Some may even please themselves opposing James to Paul, like if it wasn’t the same Holy Spirit at work! As we were already advised at the introduction of the previous article: let us not let the malevolent one skillfully conclude for us, by patting our intellectual pride without calling upon the ‘Holy Spirit’ who will lead us in all truths !


But, didn’t Jesus say in John 10:28: ‘’I give them eternal life … and no one will snatch them out of my hand ?’’ Yes, but read the context before in 10:22-24 and ask the Holy Spirit. Unfortunately, most Christians talk so much without much intimacy with the Holy Spirit. They hastily take a radical position, while ignoring many verses that warn us and insist severely on sanctification. Can we convince those who ignore the foundations of faith and the doctrine of Christ ?


I always told my beloved fellows that the letter without the Spirit kills, and the text without the context makes us blind ! When we read the bible we commune with God through bread and wine: the word and the Spirit.


Let us not talk about those who even please themselves saying there is nothing you can do to lose your salvation (even the worse crime) ! Taking the risk to itch your hear, I dare say they literally tip over into satanic deception. The truth is, a truly humble and faithful disciple will always resolve any controversial matter by first seeking the Holy Spirit, then calling upon common sense and some indubitable principles, perhaps a few pertinent questions before coming to any ready-made conclusions.


The Holy Spirit has always clearly answered my questions about scriptures. Here is an example of what He revealed to me: In John chapter 10, the context shows that Jesus was speaking to the Jews who are not of His sheep, who do not understand the concept of eternal life. As we know, some do not even believe in life after death, neither in resurrection! 


So, He was only explaining to them the meaning of eternal life and without end by stating : ‘When they shall enter eternal life, they will continue to live with Me and no one can snatch them out of my hand’. He was not explaining salvation, which is by far harder to understand and takes longer to explain. We certainly all know that there is not more deaf than the one who is not open to listen.




What a revelation from the Eternal master and assistant! Otherwise, how shall we believe that by only one verse, Jesus is going to contradict all of His teachings and warnings to Christians and Churches concerning His requirements on obedience and sanctification ?


Jesus very well said : ‘’Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he is who loves me’’ (John 14:21). Read also John 15:10-14 : do you really know them, the commandments of Jesus ? Which ones, and how many of them do you know ?


Much more simply: do you know the complete profession of the faith that gives you the gracious right and access to salvation by Jesus Christ ?


Let’s say that you know its entirety, are you daily convinced of it ? Do you know that even doubt could, potentially, end up killing faith ?

Doubt entertained - and intelligently justified - is really like a form of unconscious mental rebellion and disbelieve. So - if your faith - is ‘’dead’’, where is your salvation ?


Even after declaring his conviction and allegiance, a man can still doubt, being even free of taking away his confidence, and by that very act, destroying his faith.

Does he remain saved in spite of himself?


What does the Bible say?


Let’s look at Hebrews 10:38-39 to start with : ‘’But my righteous one shall live by faith,

and if he shrinks back, my soul has no pleasure in him. But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who have faith and preserve their souls’’. Again, a good one: read 1 Timothy 4:1 : ‘’Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith, devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons’’. He speaks very well of those who will abandon the faith after having it, for we cannot abandon but what we once truly had.                                                                                                                                                                             


Why all these warnings if man no longer has his free will to doubt, or even give up ? It is even more evident to me that when Jesus said ‘’no one can snatch them out of my hand’’, He simply explained the concept of eternal life to the stiff-hearted ones. Jesus does not contradict the warnings He has given.


For me, Salvation is really the treasure of my life. For eternal life has an infinite Value. What a satanic deceit than with someone to tell me: stop protecting your treasure like that ! There is absolutely no risk or danger. For it has a lifetime guarantee. Do not listen to those fanatics who share all these fearful warnings. They aren’t biblical. I will literally say: get behind me Satan ! There is only the thief that says not to watch your treasure. I will never buy your license to practice sin without danger of losing my Treasure of eternal life. For no one can dupe a Holy, Holy, Holy God, and no sinner will invade His kingdom of perfect holiness. Even Satan with all his army and malice couldn’t and never will be able. Period !


After receiving salvation for free, it is really the believer’s task to appropriate it for himself and save his soul by the maintaining of his faith by the daily exercise of his spirit. It is the simple common sense of the process of constant improvement. In other words, it couldn’t be clearer: the believer can undermine his faith, give up and lose his salvation. (at least by practicing and justifying sin)


Yes, Salvation is really by grace through faith. But, there is but holy faith that assures salvation by grace. It is faith coupled with Love and infinite gratitude. After the Lord gave you salvation, it’s up to you to own it, maintain it to ‘save’ your soul. Nevertheless, you always have the free choice of condemning yourself to ‘please Satan’ ! If you missed it, just arise my child and try again. Forgiveness is still available with sincere repentance.


Let us remember what Proverbs 3:12 and Hebrews 12:6 say. Do you agree that God corrects and punishes the one He loves ? Why, if not to help him to complete repentance out of love. Do you accept the chastening, even severe, as David accepted it with remorse and a more radical submission following? Brethren, our standard is no longer of David neither the one of the disciples before the resurrection of Jesus! God gave us the Holy Spirit who lives in us and unites us to the Son and the Father on His Throne of Glory ! The threshold is even higher and the holy apostles reached over by a fidelity unto death, even to the price of a physical martyr ! They didn’t say like us today: the flesh is weak and God forgives!!


Remember that the ones who practice sins like fornication or adultery will not inherit the Kingdom of God (1 John 3:8-10). The Bible clearly says they are of the devil ! If you can’t repent, then you should marry while you can ! For the Lord comes back first to judge and purify His Church. It is not true that if we do not have sexual relationships, we lose it ! I do not buy this deception: for with the Holy Spirit all things are possible. Thanks to God, I even went through 15 years of no sexual relations without losing my mind !!


Do not be deceived, dear brothers; no one can trick God, who will judge each and every one according to the secret intentions of the heart (1 Corinthians 4:5). The profession of faith is not a vote, neither a bet on who will get the most. It is not either about announcing our faith or proclaiming it to impress the gallery ! It is about profound convictions acquired, developed and cared for on a heart level by letting ourselves being transformed by the Word of God, who will produce the fruits of the Spirit.


There is but holy faith that can assure salvation by grace ! In spite of repeating myself, it is a matter of faith joined to Love and infinite gratitude. For even the greatest faith that might move mountains is of no use without love (1 Corinthians 13); and love itself - without obedience to God - is absolutely vain ! So it can certainly not guarantee salvation. Didn’t He say: ‘’he who (truly) loves Me keeps my commandments’’ ? Be careful: even obedience and asceticism that does not proceed from pure love and gratitude is of no use, I dare say. For no one can request anything of God for his deeds, not even the biggest sacrifice to gain eternal life ! (…’’I never knew you’’).


If it is not a profound conviction of the Spirit, lived from the heart; if it does not emanate from the child’s heart within you and is only but an intellectual acknowledgement, it is null and of no avenue. It has no value before the infallible verdict of the Eternal God. Must we learn to love like He loved us ? No one will enter the Kingdom of God unless he becomes like a little child, He said.


May it be clear : even faith who may lift up mountains, without amazement, admiration and profound love is only ephemeral. How can it assures eternal salvation ?


God invites us to regularly meditate upon His word, His Attributes and the underlying foundations of our faith in Him as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. To look upon His promises and to the redemptive sacrifice of Jesus Christ our Lord.


Never put love on a lower level, for faith without love is valueless. Satan knows all that very well and believes it entirely, all the while hating anything related to redemptive Love. I never put unconditional forgiveness on a lower level, neither continual repentance and even anticipated. 


Oh, Lord of Love, manifest in us even more of Your Love as we are learning to love as much all those You have first loved. Amen.

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