The word without the Spirit kills; the text without the
context makes us slip-up. Let us not let the inner enemy easily conclude for
us, for the verdict belongs to the Holy Spirit alone, the Unique personal
Teacher near
every born again Christian.
Another key of discernment is necessary: does the word
speak in an absolute tense or on a relative tense, temporal or cultural
phrasing? With these two criterial keys, the Holy Spirit will open the two
eyes of spiritual discernment on the holy word.
It is deplorable to recognize that great men so
knowledgeable in the holy scriptures, quoting them almost by heart, still
slide far too often away from the
Spirit of the word and the doctrine of Christ.
It is a good thing that, by grace (haha), a few
scholars succeeded into escaping the schemes of Satan, the traps of
intellectual pride, and even the credibility acquired once they were humbler
instruments! What a sad thing, effectively, to acknowledge that many start
in the Spirit but end up miserably in the flesh, not to say corrupted. Isn’t
that sad and abominable?
Appearances are misleading: many apparent
contradictions are found, even in the Bible! ‘’You have learned that it was
said… but I say to you …’’ : this calls to the Spirit who knows perfectly
all, text and context, Word and Spirit (The bread and the wine), to
conciliate apparent contradictory affirmations from our Lord.
This is not here a simple occasion of deliberate or
intelligently justified choice of one
or the other interpretative option;
no ! It is not a matter of choosing
which version of the Bible says almost what you want to hear. It is
neither a call to denial, declaring fanatically that there is absolutely no
real contradiction, without demonstrating the wisdom of the Spirit who alone
elucidates all dilemmas!
Here are a few appearances that continue to undermine
the Doctrine of Christ and sadly make the happiness of Satan:
‘’You have heard that it was said,
eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’
But I say to you, Do not resist the one who is evil.’’ - Matthew 5:38-39. Elsewhere, we read: ‘’Submit
yourselves therefore to God; resist the devil, and he will flee from you.’’
- James 4:7. What a contradiction! How conciliate all this? Is that to
say (since we must not resist evil): the devil is not evil, and you risk
losing him?
We can enumerate a bunch of nonsense held by the demon
of religiosity coated in sophism mentality.
Here are a few examples where the text occults the
context and absolutes flush relatives.
Didn’t God say that the gifts of the Spirit will cease
- says the religious? Look, you find that in the Bible. And it’s absolutely
false as understood!
Didn’t God say that Paul was the last witness to
directly saw Jesus - they say? Look you find that in the Bible. Is it to say
then that nobody saw Jesus after Paul? And those who testify then …! Did
they then saw Satan instead who converted them into zealous disciple of
Christ? What religious absurdities!
Didn’t God say: beware of false prophets who make even
miracles and subterfuges - they say. Isn’t that more like a license to
deliberately be skeptic about all and, even persecute these ‘’illuminated’?
Still, didn’t Jesus say ‘’thou shall not judge’’? ( … by yourself ! Only
by the Spirit of the text)
And we can keep going a long time like that!
Didn’t Jesus quote scriptures from the Psalms
saying ‘’you are gods’’ - says certain illuminated? Look you find that in
the Bible. This is not less another sketchy ravine!
All the dilemmas evoked by these apparently contradicting truths deserve to
be looked up front.
Are they to be taken on a relative, temporal and cultural, or absolute
Shouldn’t we consider it an imperative to meditate the word of God (its attributes and mysteries) night and day, or, should we leave all meditation to pagans and new-agers? Haha
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