Abundant Grace and Holy Justice: Relevant Questions & Revelations

Relevant Questions & Revelations

No difficult Questions without a relevant Answer Revealed by God!

I have always asked the wildest and seemingly intractable questions - even for God - and for a long time he has always dazzled me with his infinite wisdom and supreme intelligence! There are obviously questions that he himself does not want the answer to be revealed to anyone in public. This is why Jesus often spoke in parables and explained the meaning, content and scope only to his disciples.

Here is a question that it is time to reveal the answer to all Christians at this End-time. I just got confirmation to do so.

Why did God place the forbidden tree in the Garden of Eden fully accessible to Adam and Eve, knowing full well that they may fall into the trap?
For two very relevant reasons:

1-     Real love is revealed only through free will and the free choice of the partner; because love doesn’t force anything. If you are even in paradise without any exit door, you would think you were in prison like a functional robot and therefore how can you be pleasing God?

2-     No one will know how to honestly and adequately exercise the authority given to him and demand obedience of others, unless he knows how to show obedience to the authority he is under!


So, having given Adam and Eve all authority over everything on earth, they must be free to obey the sole restriction and show allegiance to the one who gave them all authority.

Examples: If the president of a country does not respect the restrictions of the constitution, he becomes a dictator and must absolutely be removed. Doesn’t he? If a policeman does not follow the instructions of the authority he represents, he will be automatically punished and disqualified.

It is therefore a legal necessity and a prerequisite for Adam and Eve exercising authority by merely obeying and trusting the one who gave authority and offered himself as a guide to accompany them in their quest for perfection in love and wisdom.

Confirmation of this unveiled answer with Dr Francis Myles

Part 2. Continuation and end

Now, let's look at the flip side of this Great Secret, because the question remains wide open:

1-    Why then did God forbid eating from this tree of knowledge of good and evil when this knowledge is basically the quest of the wise?

2-    One of the major attributes of God being knowledge and omniscience, does he want to prohibit us from being similar to him?

3-    If on the one hand, he wants us to be in his image and his likeness and on the other hand, he forbids us to know, isn't that a flagrant contradiction?

This secret was accessible only to scholars. But now it is exposed to all of us.
Everyone understands that any restriction imposed (for example) on a policeman under ordinary conditions, may be lifted when he has graduated in obedience and reached the rank of an officer. …Easy to understand. No?

In the center of the Garden of Eden there was also the Tree of Eternal life. Quite at the same place as the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
If knowledge is the quest of the wise, one must first be wise before satisfying one's curiosity with all kinds of knowledge!
…Especially about the origin of evil and good.
This clarifies the fact that wisdom is an important prerequisite for knowledge. For wisdom is love, discernment, virtue, rectitude and justice of love.

The Tree of Eternal life is the tree of Sublime Love which has not been forbidden and which is far more delightful and superior to the tree of knowledge.
Adam and Eve were therefore invited to grow in love and trust in God to the point of reaching maturity in divine Love. When they have graduated in love and confidence, they will have the green light for knowledge. (See note at the end of the article)

As far as we are concerned here and now, let us admit that the human being is supposed to learn to really love before indulging in sexual curiosities. No animal is programmed to live 12 or 15 years before starting to reproduce sexually. But human nature is superior to that of the animal in essence and by reason of being and mission.

N.B. During my master's program in education science, I always campaigned for the learning of love from early childhood before even introducing the sexual education program! Because the idea of satisfying the child's curiosity on this subject exposes him to multiple sorrows of love, if not to perversion and even to sexual exploitation such as pedophilia and others. (Sentences of immature love are as deadly as STDs. They lead to suicide and even crime and murder!)
It is indeed the trap of educational liberalism in the service of Satan!

When the sensual curiosity of Adam and Eve left behind trust in God and chosen the lure of sexuality, they fell into shame and guilt. This is where the dilemma of separation from God began. They became like dead / living souls without spirit.

They indeed were forced to leave their paradise, not to have access to a Tree of Eternal life, because otherwise, they will become eternally sensual, individualistic, self-centered and proud in the likeness of Satan. For God created us as an extension to himself, to be always centered on him and on his throne of Glory, joy and freedom in universal unity and unconditional love.
God wants us to grow in love and inclusive unity while Satan wants us to follow him in his individualistic, exclusive logic and in his mischief to divide and conquer. He leads us directly into his eternal damnation with his fallen angels.

This perspective has just been confirmed by the biblical study published by our sister Loulia Matchan, who shared it with me in reaction to the first part of this same article.

Note: Even scientific knowledge not governed by love facilitates the invention of lethal weapons (biological, chemical, electromagnetic and nuclear) and currently leads us to the hell of a 3rd world war.

If you practice these daily contemplations, worship and offerings, you will have the most powerful anchor of your spiritual forces which will pulverize all enemy altars!  Satan himself will be powerless before your Altar deriving from the Supreme Altar of Melchizedek offering the work of the Cross before the throne of Glory.

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